Wednesday, April 22, 2009


I was recently reading about the concept of entropy.

Entropy, for those unfamiliar with the concept, is the dissolution of any organization into a state of disorder and indifferentiation. Basically the idea that everything will break down into (I love this phrase) "terminal sameness." Time decays everything and eventually energy will leave all systems.

This is how I feel about my life right now. I'm a senior in college, ambling through my last month of classes. As an art major, a lot of my life in the last four years has been focused around creating things and exploring ideas. As I reach the end of my time with studios I can use for free, I should want to use them to their fullest extent, right?

Well. I think entropy has set into my system. I have no ideas for anything new, and have no drive to continue creating or making things. It makes me question my place in the world as an "artist." I suppose, though, that it's the natural progression of things. Naturally, after years of wrestling with the same problems and being in a high-stress environment, one will run out of energy. Everything will dissolve into terminal sameness.

Entropy and burnout-- along with energy and motivation-- are two things that have been weighing heavily on my mind lately. What I'm seeking is to avoid the former and gain the latter. I'm not sure how it will work out, and I'm certainly looking for ideas. I'm hoping the warm, sunny weather this weekend will help.

(More than likely, it will just make distraction worse. But I can hope, can't I?)

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