Wednesday, May 13, 2009

An all-nighter and my last day of undergrad.

I just pulled my first all-nighter ever (over 4 years at college, that's quite the accomplishment). So, to celebrate finishing my paper, decorating the campus, and it being the last day of classes ever (if I think too hard about that, I might cry...), I stayed up to watch the sunrise.

And then I thought... well, if I'm going to stay up and look out my window, I might as well go out there and take some pictures.

So I went out in my pajamas and slippers, toting my Canon Rebel, and wandered the campus. It was lovely.

Dark when I first got outside.

Someone left their bike under a tree that shed its flowers. Quite pretty.

And then I discovered that we were, in fact, able to hang a banner from the tower on campus! A victorious moment for the class of 2009!

I took a moment to watch a goose (and a few swans, although they're not in this photo) on the lake. The fog is beautiful, and I never get to see it-- it always burns off before I wake up.

So lovely.

And when I got back to where I started, it was light out. And now it's even brighter. Which means it's probably time for me to get to bed.

I'm getting emotional about leaving here again. Sigh.

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